
The Division | Auto-Refill your group in Challenging Mode (Refilling empty parties)

2016-05-15 1 Dailymotion

The Division | Auto-Refill your group in Challenging Mode (Refilling empty parties during multiplayer missions)

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This is actually pretty basic and many of you will probably know about it, but i feel it's worth noting since i run into issue all the time and that's filling up your group again after someone dropped out in challenging missions.

What i've noticed is that, if i'm playing on challenging and someone has dropped out of the group, this place won't be filled up and sometimes finishing a challenging mission without a fourth member is a drag to say the least.

So if you've run into this issue and don't know why the game doesn't refill the spot with a player, it's because the host of the game has his game privacy set to friends only and that's the default setting of the game unfortunately. It has to be set to public by the host to refill the spots of players that have left.

So if you're not the host of the game, you can't do anything about it, but what you can do is shoot the host a message or let him know via mic that he has to reset his privacy settings.

Once this happens the game will drop in new players very quickly for most missions.

The game does a good job of hiding this option away especially for players in random groups. But if you're aware of this and keep in contact with the host you can spare yourself a lot of headache, especially when you're near the end of a mission and need more support. hope this helped you out and see you guys next time.


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